Anima with NextJS

Hey :wave: anima supports vanilla CSS at the moment. NextJS supports only CSS modules/SASS. Is there a way how to easily integrate anima generated code to the NextJS app?

Hi @tomas1! Anima’s React code is compatible with Next.js. Let me check about the best way how to integrate it to the NextJS app.

Hi @tomas1, we’re working on adding SASS and CSS Modules to our code generation now.

Thank you for your response. Sounds great.

Do you know when will anima support tailwind? I have stumbled upon this post, don’t know if there’s any update :pray:

Hi @tomas1. We’ll start supporting Tailwind very soon, but there is no release date for now. We’ll update you as soon as we get know when we release it.

Hello @tomas1

We are thrilled to share that Anima now offers Tailwind CSS support! in Figma Dev mode.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and unwavering support. We hope you find this news as exciting as we do! :pray:

@JenyaGuterman Hi, Any update when AnimaApp can support Next Js ?

Hi there!

As Anima supports React, the generated code can also be used in a Next.js project (the code is identical). You’ll need some changes though, such as building the client pages / components using the 'use client' directive