Hello folks!
I am new to Figma components and the Anima integration. I am following everything in your tutorial here: https://www.figma.com/file/H2Rx9FcOxfzz42EgkeYTSn/Prototype-with-real%2C-live-data-from-Google-sheet-(Community)?type=design&node-id=366-1454&mode=design&t=d2r9XjAW7LBX19WG-0
I checked and double-checked, having spent more than an hour doing that, but I still cannot make my simple prototype pick up values from a Google Spreadsheet.
The Figma file I work on is here: https://www.figma.com/file/ZP7tsYxMzeOzK1pU2Zi7bw/My-Dynamic-Prototype?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=CTjlRCZ6zs456FHU-1
I would appreciate it if you can assist. I am trying to showcase to my product team that we can do prototypes with external data without having to code.