What React Styling frameworks are supported

So material UI isnt supported, how are we to know what type of frameworks are and arent supported, do we have guidance posted somethere?

Hello Chris,

Thank you very much for your message and patience!
May you please send us a bit more details about your use case to support@animaapp.com?

With the added context, we will be able to provide to you an accurate response.

Thank you very much!

In the Figma plugin we create the whole design from scratch. No external libraries or design system.

We recently introduced a new VSCode extension called “Frontier by Anima”. This extension lets you generate code from Figma designs using the Design System React components in your workspace.

You can read all about it here:

Yes, we had been using that VS code plugin and noticed while testing it out with Material UI that there may be some styling framework gaps as we couldnt get it to pick up and identify material UI kit components in VS code. But it sounds like there have been some updates and we look forward to giving it another shot.

Note that we currently do not generate MUI theme in Frontier, we assume it is already set up.