Anima Animation on Adobe xD

Hey I need help, please!
I have two questions.
First, Im trying to animate a menu on xD, but my button my “selection area” is not aligned with the text, but when I preview it on xD it looks good.

Second, I don’t know if this can be done, but I need to do like a side scroll gallery or a carousel with images and information. I know that this can be done on xD but I can’t do it on anima.

Hey @Matirobles12 thanks for writing! As far as the discrepancies between your alignment in XD vs. Anima, I’m not sure what the issue is exactly. Could you recreate it and sen me the XD file here so that I can check it out? Let me know where exactly you’re seeing the miss-alignment in Anima.

As far as your second question, we are not yet supporting horizontal scroll in Anima, sorry about that! But you can create separate artboards to link to and just change this image to recreate the effect.