Anima only exporting one frame - no matter which frame I choose


I’ve been trying to export multiple frames, or any frame other than the single frame that Anima keeps exporting over and over. No matter which frames I choose, it’s always exporting the same single frame. I have no idea why. I’m exporting from Figma to HTML. The one frame that is being exported looks nearly perfect. But I can’t get any other frames exported. I also can’t seem to sync my designs to Anima. It takes forever and eventually just crashes out. Any ideas?


Hey @ryan thanks for reaching out and I’m sorry to hear that! I’d suggest you double check that you’re
selecting all of the frames you want to sync/export and not just selecting the one. Are you able to share your Figma file with me here so that I can test it on my own and see if I can figure out the issue?


Hi @Shira,

Thank you for your response. Fortunately, I figured it out when I realized I was not selecting “frames” but other types of components such as “Main Components”, “Groups”, “Variants”, etc. I found the image below at this link and it helped. I am new to Figma so did not understand the various types of elements within the file.

I am now able to export whichever frames I want.

Thanks again!

Thanks for sharing that @ryan - so double welcome to both Figma and Anima! I understand the confusion now and I’m glad to see you figured it out.

Happy designing! :art: