Downloaded code seems not working

Im trying anima free in figma because the free version allows apparently code downloads. I’ve just created a responsive single screen in figma for desktop, tablet and mobile.
The preview is looking good.
Moved the project to dev mode to be able to download the HTML code from anima app web. I did it, but I loaded index.html in the downloaded folder, but nothing shows when open with a browser. just a blank page.
What I’m doing wrong?
My intention is to upload the HTML and folders to my FTP and load this simple landing page.
Please, help me.


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Thank you very much for your message and patience!
The Dev-mode is a mode in Anima in which you can export snippets of code for specific elements, while the classic mode allows you to export full prototypes.

If you are using the Dev-mode make sure you are selecting a specific Layer or element to get the code of. If you do need to export full screens or prototype, you would need a Pro Plan in order to utilize the Classic mode and export in this manner

Let us know if this answer your questions and thank you very much!