Why is my design not fitting into my whole screen and has loads of errors? (Figma, HTML, CSS)

I can’t seem to figure out why it does this, but the code it gives me is just wrong with loads of weird un-identifiable characters in it, missing letters, random links, colour switches when it auto-generates a wrong link and the font I had put on the text doesn’t work either?

Please help me try to figure out how to fix this. I am using the HTML + CSS setting with default CSS and HTML.

Code it gave me: AnimaPackage-Html-XGx6J.zip - Google Drive

(this is the direct file it gave me after downloading straight from AWS S3 just uploaded to Google Drive)

Figma project link: https://www.figma.com/design/GCVa0LNH8bbTdUUv8kvDBS/Jamesdev.xyz?node-id=0-1&t=VThktE93FzjAeiiM-1