Hi. Newbie here. I’d like to know if Anima is SOC Type2 compliant. Are there any other security information about Anima that I can get other than Security at Anima | Anima Help Center?
Hi. Newbie here. I’d like to know if Anima is SOC Type2 compliant. Are there any other security information about Anima that I can get other than Security at Anima | Anima Help Center?
Hi @acheung , thanks for your question. We are in the process of getting the SOC2 certificate and will update you in the forum when we get it.
Thanks for your reply, Jenya. Another question : Is Anima ISO27001 certified?
Hi @acheung , not yet, we are in the process of completing this certification at the moment.
I’m working for the SCB Group in Baden, Switzerland. Our developers want to use your plugin for Adobe XD.
In order to comply with the data policy, I would like to know, if your terms of service dated May 23rd 2018 is still up to date?
How do you provide the privacy of your users, especially the IP-adress?
Best Regards