Switch from free to pro

Hi there

I have downloaded anima to my XD and made a project.
The project contains 49 computer size screens and the same screens but in mobile size, connected by breakpoints .
So I was wondering, does that make the total screens number 98 screen or it will still be 49 ???

And if so what will that cost me to switch to pro inorder to have a HTML code??

Hope to hear from you soon

Hey @Maen.abdallah thanks for reaching out! Yes, this will count as 98 screens, as the different breakpoints will be generating different code according to their UI.

You can find our pricing plans here. Should you require a custom plan to fit your needs, you can reach out to our support team at support@animaapp.com, they’d be happy to assist you. Thanks!

Thank you so much for responding.
One last thing, I want to ask about the website (the domain) that I’ve done, will it be active forever after receiving the link (HTML) or should I renew my monthly payment every month to stay active?

thank you again

No problem, happy to help! :muscle:t2:

Custom domains will only continue working for Pro users, so best to continue paying for the monthly plan :+1:t2:

I’m sorry for bothering you

I am building my portfolio using XD, so after getting my website working I wont modify or make any changes in it after that.
I only want the domain (URL) to stay working.
In that case why should I stay in pro plan and pay the monthly payment So.

Hope to hear from you soon

Hey @Maen.abdallah no problem, thank you for asking! Here’s an article about adding custom domains with Anima. If you want to use the Anima domain instead, you can do so from a free account.

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Thank you so much
So, in order to be able to publish my website (portfolio) for free, I should buy a domain (let’s say from GoDaddy ) İn that case do I have to go from free plan to pro plan or no ?? And that’s mean that my website (portfolio) could contain any number of screens, right ? and still be in the free plan ?

The article I sent above will explain more about custom domains and this video will explain more about free hosting. If you choose to use Anima’s public link, there’s no need to buy a domain of your own (from a site like GoDaddy). It’s up to you! :+1:t2:

Thank you very much, you’ve been helpful

So, if I choose to use custom domain or anima’s public link Am I obligated to publish only 5 screens ??

Glad to help! Correct, for now you will not be limited to 5 screens :slightly_smiling_face: